Stephen McCarthy

Stephen has been involved in the development and delivery of clinical psychology services in both the NHS and the private sector since he completed clinical training at Glasgow University. He was appointed Consultant Clinical Psychologist in 1992.

Over thirty years of clinical practice, Stephen has accumulated significant expertise in the assessment and treatment of a wide range of psychological and behavioral problems including addictions and he has a special interest in posttraumatic stress disorder and attendant problems arising in the aftermath of accidents and other psychologically traumatizing experiences. He has significant expertise in the psychological impact of limb loss and disfiguring injury.

Stephen regularly provides expert opinion for Courts specializing in personal injury including clinical negligence – he is a Cardiff University/Bond Solon accredited Expert Witness.


Professional Qualifications and Affiliations

BSc (Hons) Psychology

M.App Sci (Masters in Clinical Psychology)

D.Clin Psy  (Doctorate in Clinical Psychology)

LL.M (Masters in Mental Health Law)

Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society)

Registered Psychologist (Health and Care Professions Council)

Bond Solon – Cardiff University Accredited Expert Witness